Hear from our community fundraisers making an impact in Parkinson's disease research.
Rianna Bessar
Do-It-Yourself Fundraiser
"When I first started planning a soccer tournament fundraiser, I had no idea that I would raise so much money as a high school student. Fundraising for research is very important because I saw firsthand the events that Parkinson’s takes from people. I hope that one day such a detrimental disease will no longer affect people the way it affected my grandfather. When I am older, I hope to be able to help make this change and fundraising is a great start."
Anna Wolfe
Boston Run/Walk
"Developing a walk with Team Fox and fundraising for Parkinson's disease research gave me and my family a sense of purpose and hope. It really made me feel like I could do something about the sadness and the fear that I was feeling after my dad’s Parkinson's diagnosis. For both me and my family, it was always helpful to understand that if we raised money for The Michael J. Fox Foundation, we could potentially cure this disease."
Bryan Hill
Run for the Hills
"Research is the key reason why I support the Foundation. There are plenty of organizations that support people and their Parkinson's journey, but since PD hits so close to home — my mother had it and now I have it — I worry about my children's future. By creating a Team Fox event in my community, I can pay my dues forward. If for some reason my kids do have PD, I want to know I've done everything in my power to set them up for success."
Sue and Gretja Otten
This mother-daughter duo hiked the 2,220-mile Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia in honor of their husband and dad, Ron Otten, who was diagnosed with PD in 2010.

Vikas Mohindra
Young Professionals of NYC
"After planning to attend many Team Fox Young Professionals new member meetings, I attended one about four years after my dad’s diagnosis. I was so anxious when I finally decided to go to a meeting because I didn't want anyone to ask me why I was there; I wasn’t ready to talk about my family’s PD journey. Once everyone went around the room introducing themselves and sharing their PD connections, I did not feel alone anymore. The room was full of others just like me, and for the first time in four years I was able to tell people, ‘my father has Parkinson’s disease’."
Anna Haber
Endurance Fundraiser
"Whether it’s losing someone to cancer or watching someone decline from Parkinson’s disease — the overriding emotion is helplessness. Raising money for PD research makes me feel like I am not helpless or powerless, that I can use my simple hobby of running to bring my voice to be heard. Meeting other athletes running for Team Fox, especially those who have PD, really impacted me. If I may someday face a PD diagnosis of my own, I want to be strong and healthy and fight it just like everyone with PD does. So, I’m just going to keep running because I can."
Rob Todd
Music for a Cure: Parkinstock
"When you have Parkinson's or you're a caregiver of someone with PD, it can feel like you're an island unto yourself. But when you get involved, you find that there are people that feel the same way. We're all here to talk and hug and laugh and cry, because that's the way you get through the hard moments, right? The connections that we're making and the difference that we're making in people's lives by putting on Parkinstock allows us to be part of something bigger. Team Fox isn't just happy we’re fundraising for them; they do everything they can to help us succeed."
Team Synapse
A dozen runners living with Parkinson’s disease completed one of the longest and most grueling relay races in the country, the Blue Ridge Relay.