Parkinson's can cause movement symptoms, as well as mood, sleep and energy changes. Each symptom has a specific treatment, but regular exercise and a healthy diet are key to overall management of Parkinson's.
Depression & Anxiety
When facing a Parkinson's diagnosis and living with the disease, it is understandable to feel depressed or anxious. But mood changes are real clinical symptoms of Parkinson's, just like stiffness and tremor, and treatments are available.
Diet & Nutrition
No one diet can treat Parkinson's, but a healthy and balanced diet can improve general well-being and ease motor and non-motor symptoms.
Dexterity & Driving
Changes in dexterity (such as hand stiffness and tremor, which affect eating or dressing) and driving challenges can arise as disease progresses. Finding ways to manage these changes can help you maintain your quality of life and stay socially active.
The positive effects of exercise on Parkinson's are well-documented. Don't wait for a study to report the "best" exercise regimen. Work with a doctor and physical therapist to find a routine that is safe and you enjoy.
Fatigue & Sleep
Fatigue and trouble sleeping are common in Parkinson's. Pinpointing the cause of these symptoms and practicing good sleep hygiene can help ease these aspects of the disease and improve quality of life.

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