"A Parkinson's diagnosis is shocking. It can take time to accept it. Give yourself the time."
Anne (Anna) Cohn Donnelly is a senior lecturer in Executive Education at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, where she has taught nonprofit management with a focus on board governance. She was diagnosed with Parkinson's in the fall of 2010.
She is the founding director of the Kellogg Board Fellows Program, and she works with a number of nonprofits on issues of child abuse, juvenile justice, education, child well-being, public health and governance.
Prior to Kellogg, she directed Prevent Child Abuse America (formerly the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse). Dr. Donnelly designed and directed the first national evaluation study of child abuse and neglect treatment programs and has lectured and published widely on this and subsequent research. She has served as a White House Fellow and a Congressional Science Fellow. She holds a Doctorate in Public Health.
The MJFF Patient Council was established in March 2009 as a formal channel for the Foundation to solicit input from PD patients and the broader Parkinson's community. The Council advises the Foundation on programmatic fronts including (but not limited to) strategies to best convey patient priorities to the research community and its funders; content and emphasis for patient education and outreach relevant to MJFF's mission to find a cure; patient roles in developing novel ways to conduct research; and mechanisms for impact assessment.