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Books & Resources

Learn more about Parkinson's and managing disease with these books, products and organizations, suggested by our community.

  • Cover of the book, "Simple Wisdom: Extraordinary Life."

    Simple Widsom Extraordinary Life

    Teresa Rogers

    Inspiration comes from different things in a person's life. Sometimes it's from a movie, accident or friend. For author Teresa Rogers, inspiration flows from her mother, Joy. A survivor, running for her life many times from her abusive alcoholic husband, Joy rose above life's hardships. Revealed is Joy's poverty-stricken childhood, marriage at age fifteen to Rogers' father, an abusive alcoholic.

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  • Woman dancing for PD Movement Lab.

    PD Movement Lab

    PD Movement Lab helps people with Parkinson's foster a renewed sense of self. Through practical movement strategies they can learn techniques to improve mobility and adapt creatively. And from interviews with outstanding PwPs, they can discover models and ideas for an active and engaged life.

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  • Cover of book titled, "From Parkinson's to a Poet" with vintage black and white photo of little girl.

    From Parkinson's to a Poet

    Melody Eddins

    In From Parkinson's to a Poet, author Melody Eddins shares her experiences living with Parkinson's disease and how she turned to poetry as a form of therapy and expression. Her poems are meant to inspire readers through both laughter and tears as she recounts stories from her life as a wife, mother and grandmother.

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  • Cover of book, "Parkinson's Disease: A Self-Help Guide."

    Parkinson's Disease: A Self-Help Guide

    Marjan Jahanshahi, MD, and David Marsden, MD

    This compassionate, informative, and essentially practical book will help fill the gap too often left in doctor-patient communication. Patients are often given only minimal information about their condition and its treatment, with the family left to adapt as best they can to the long-term demands of the illness.  (Demos Medical Publishing)

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  • Cover of the book "Take Me Home: Parkinson's, My Father, Myself."

    Take Me Home: Parkinson's, My Father, Myself

    Jonathan Taylor

    Granta Books (London)

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  • Hosts Jessica Krauser and Brian Baker

    "The Secret Life of Parkinson's" Podcast

    Hosted by Jessica Krauser and Brian Baker

    The Secret Life of Parkinson's is a podcast created by Parkinson's patients, sharing their stories and interviewing others, on things we deal with on a daily basis. It's hard for people with PD to talk to others about the disease because sometimes it's difficult for the patient themselves to describe what they are feeling. Talking to other PD patients helps us express what we are going through in ways we might not be able to express to family and friends.

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