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Books & Resources

Learn more about Parkinson's and managing disease with these books, products and organizations, suggested by our community.

  • this is the place podcast.PNG

    “This Is The Place” Podcast

    Hosted by Paula Vargas and JM Kenny

    This Is The Place is a podcast series produced by the PARK4U Foundation. Podcast hosts Paula Vargas and JM Kenny talk about their experiences with Parkinson's disease and how their unique outlook has allowed them to thrive and continue living a meaningful life.

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  • Cover for CD titled "10 Things Every Person with Parkinson's Must Know" Caucasian male smiling in front of mountains.

    10 Things Every Person with Parkinson's Must Know (audio CD)

    Richard London

    10 Things Every Person With Parkinson's Must Know provides the essential tips for living well with Parkinson's disease and making the most out of every day.

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  • Book cover for the second edition of "Parkinson's Disease: 300 Tips for Making Life Easier."

    300 Tips for Making Life with Parkinson's Disease Easier

    Shelley Peterman Schwarz

    Filled with tips, techniques, and shortcuts readers will learn basic lessons for conserving time and energy, enabling them to do more of the things they want to do. Throughout the book, specially marked tips are provided for those who provide care and support for people with this disease.

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  • Cover of book, "A Caregiver's Guide to Lewy Body Dementia" with a older Caucasian couple smiling.

    A Caregiver's Guide to Lewy Body Dementia

    Helen Buell Whitworth and James Whitworth

    This comprehensive guide explains the basics of Lewy body dementia and includes personal anecdotes, caregiving tips and a glossary of relevant terms to serve as a resource to better understand the disease.

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  • Cover of book titled "A Life Shaken."

    A Life Shaken

    Joel Havemann

    Joel Havemann incorporates relevant scientific information about Parkinson's disease into his own story of living with the condition. "A Life Shaken" includes facts, diagrams and a glossary of information about Parkinson's and presents the information as engaging and accessible.

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  • Cover of book, "A Lifetime in Motion" with man holding baseball bat and sports gear in a locker room.

    A Lifetime in Motion: Lessons Learned From a Student of the Game(s)

    Lyle M. Gibson

    From an ordinary guy who has done some extraordinary things throughout his life. A baseball National Champion, certified tennis professional, a Boston Marathon runner, and a high school baseball and tennis coach who has brought teams to championships — as well as confronting the biggest challenge in his life. Inspirational, motivational, instructional, and often humorous stories, and the life lessons taken from his experiences. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 2015).

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  • Cover of Book, "A Parkinson's Primer."

    A Parkinson's Primer

    John M. Vine

    This nontechnical, personal guide, written by John M. Vine, covers John's experiences since his Parkinson's diagnosis 12 years ago. It includes advice on all aspects of the disease plus interviews with people with Parkinson's and their partners.

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  • Book cover for "A Soft Voice in a Noisy World."

    A Soft Voice in a Noisy World

    Karl Robb

    A culmination of over twenty years of personal experience, in A Soft Voice in a Noisy World Karl Robb provides an assortment of tips and suggestions that have made a difference in his life and benefited him in his personal struggle with PD.

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  • Cover of book titled, "After Your Course: Parkinson's -- The Early Years."

    Alter Your Course: Parkinson's - The Early Years (Movement & Neuroperformance Center Empowerment Series) (Volume 1)

    Monique Giroux, MD and Sierra Farris, PAC

    Alter Your Course Parkinson's the Early Years is a new book to help you shape your future with Parkinson's. (Paperback 2014)

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  • Book cover of "Another Door Opens" with multiple, colorful door icons.

    Another Door Opens

    Alan Cohee

    It has been twenty years since Alan Cohee was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He invites you into his life to see how he has faced the journey from his diagnosis.

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