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4 Websites to Train Your Brain

4 Websites to Train Your Brain

Looking to keep your wits about you? Recent studies suggest that by adopting an "active cognitive lifestyle," individuals may be able to slow cognitive decline.

Add to that studies performed by game theorists and anecdotal evidence, tasks such as puzzles, brain games, and trivia may boost mood and contribute to a more optimistic outlook.

Where can we sign up?! Each of the sites below offer something for everyone -- brain boot camps to child's play.

  1. SuperBetter

    Founded by gaming-champion Jane McGonigal, SuperBetter serves to aid users increase their personal resilience in the face of adversity and acheive health goals. The site puts a premium on staying curious, optimistic, and motivated in the face of adversity.   

  2. Cognifit

    Assess your "fitness" level and follow an individualized training system to improve your mental abilities. 

  3. Sporcle

    This trivia site bills itself as a "mentally stimulating diversion." Trick yourself into sharpening your wits with quizes like "Seven Dirty Words," "Disney Villians," and "Countries of South America."

  4. Neuroscience for Kids

    Start the next generation of researchers on the right path with these skill builders from the University of Washington.

Let the games begin!

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