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Addex and MJFF Announce Next Step for Dipra

Addex and MJFF Announce Next Step for Dipra

Today The Foundation and Addex Pharmaceuticals are announcing the next chapter in a continuing partnership around the development of dipraglurant, or “dipra,” for the treatment of dyskinesia, the debilitating side effect of long-term dopamine replacement therapy. A $1-million award from the Foundation will help Addex fund continued human clinical testing of dipraglurant.

“Dyskinesia is a top priority for our Foundation because of its significant negative impact on patients’ quality of life," said our CEO, Todd Sherer, PhD. “Candidates such as dipraglurant and other innovative therapies in development offer the possibility of improved quality of life through better symptomatic treatment of Parkinson’s. Dipraglurant targets a molecular mechanism that our Foundation has been investing in since 2005 and we are pleased to take part in its continued progress to the clinic. We are enthusiastic about funding this work and hopeful that it may offer patients relief from a longstanding issue with the treatment of their disease.”

In 2012, Addex announced positive results from its MJFF-supported Phase 2A clinical trial of dipra, which targets a specific glutamate receptor known as mGluR5. Here’s what Jamie Eberling, PhD, of our Research Programs team said then:

“No dyskinesia treatment has been approved by the FDA yet. […]Addex and Novartis could [soon] have compounds targeting mGluR5. The more shots on goal, so to speak, the better the chances of finding a drug that works.”

Earlier this year, Addex announced a reorganization to increase focus on developing its clinical pipeline for rare and orphan diseases, but reasserted its commitment to the development of dipraglurant for dyskinesia. “The data and partnering discussions continue to support the advancement of dipraglurant in the treatment of PD levodopa-induced dyskinesia,” said Addex CEO Bharatt Chowira.

Update: Read The Wall Street Journal’s March 26 story on progress in dyskinesia research and why “for patients, a better solution cannot come soon enough.” (Subscription required)

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