Depression and anxiety are common symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD). While it's normal and understandable to feel sad or worried when facing a diagnosis or progressing symptoms, mood changes in PD are more than a reaction. They are a real symptom of Parkinson's, caused by brain chemical changes.
Depression and anxiety look different for different people. Depression can affect mood, decrease energy and cloud thinking. It also can change appetite, weight and sleep. Anxiety can lead to excessive worry or concern. Treatment options for mood changes include medication; talk therapy, or counseling; and behavioral strategies, such as exercising regularly, setting goals and doing social activities.
Watch the video to learn more about depression and anxiety and how you can manage these symptoms.
Read more about mood changes in Parkinson's.
Watch a webinar on depression and anxiety.
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Ask the MD has been made possible through the leadership of members of our Parkinson's Disease Education Consortium in conjunction with The Albert B. Glickman Parkinson's Disease Education Program and Charles B. Moss Jr. and family. These partners' support allows us to furnish high-quality educational content to the Parkinson's community while maintaining our commitment to allocate donor dollars to high-impact research. Editorial control of all Michael J. Fox Foundation-published content rests solely with the Foundation.