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Bev's DBS Surgery: The Results

Bev's DBS Surgery: The Results

Guest blogger Bev Ribaudo was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's at age 47, but her symptoms began in her late 30′s. Having always been an optimist, Bev decided to fight this disease using humor, sharing her observations at Parkinson's Humor

We're happy to report that Bev's recent DBS surgery was a success. Thinking about DBS surgery? Read Bev's previous blog where she shares her considerations leading to surgery. 

Total miles driven:                         2,758
Gas for six trips to Tucson:              $489.87
Four nights in a hotel:                     $402.11
My co-pays for everything:               $970.00
Amount my Insurance paid:        $26,672.77
Price for the Neurostimulator:      $43.929.87

No more foot cramps:            PRICELESS
Sleeping through the night:    PRICELESS
Feeling ON all a day:             PRICELESS
No dyskinesia:                      PRICELESS

Would I do it again? Absolutely. Just look at the before video:

and the after video:

I am sleeping longer, but I still get tired during the day. My arms and legs don't feel heavy, I just get sleepy. I have had two surgeries in less than three weeks, so my body is still recuperating. Dr. Norton just turned the unit on and set it very low, so I know it will be better when I go back for detailed programming in two weeks. I have cut back on my medication by about half already and all of the side effects I was having are gone. I am a very, very Happy Parkie.

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