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Climbing for a Cure and the PD Community

Climbing for a Cure and the PD Community

This summer, seasoned Team Fox members Pamela and Marion Fioretti joined Tour de Fox as a way to further their efforts to help speed a cure for Parkinson's, which Marion has lived with since 2010. After finding their summit together, the mother-daughter duo are back with big plans for 2016 and a message for their fellow Tour participants.


To my fellow Tour de Fox participants,

My name is Pamela, and five years ago, my mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD). This summer, we found our summit together at 4,353' high while climbing Vermont's highest peak, Mt. Mansfield, with Tour de Fox. For mom, it was a way to physically and mentally challenge herself and, in many ways, I now see her experiencing life more fully as a result. Little does she know, but tears welled in my eyes at the top of that mountain. I’m at a loss for words to describe our experience, but I will say, that in that moment, she was literally beating Parkinson’s and I couldn’t be more proud.    

Years before the Tour took off, mom and I decided to take action by joining Team Fox — the community fundraising arm of The Michael J. Fox Foundation — by hosting an annual fundraiser called Moving for a Cure. The event has been a way for us to work towards change, help fund research and connect with the PD community. We've helped raise over $50,000 for research over the last five years and are excited to do even more in 2016. And we want you to join us. 

Join Team Fox and help us keep the incredible momentum from the Tour going. Take on a new physical challenge by running a marathon, participating in another athletic event or creating your own unique fundraiser like we did. It doesn't matter how you get involved, just that you do! 

In 2016, I pledge to continue to play my part for my mom and the entire PD community. I hope you will too. Thanks for joining us on this journey to end Parkinson's for good.

Pamela Fioretti 

P.S. After such a successful inaugural year, the Tour de Fox Wine Country Ride will return on Saturday, August 27 in Santa Rosa, CA! This beautiful ride will once again offer routes from 10 to 80 miles and feature a post-ride festival with food, wine, beer and live music. It's a great  way to get involved.

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