We can’t get to a cure alone. The Parkinson’s community drives every inch of progress we achieve. While the road to a cure is long and windy, we’re kept on track by our steadfast community. As our community grows, so too do the friendships that hold it together. Some form over research participation, others are solidified during a 26.2-mile run or a Foundation-hosted event.
These friendships fuel our optimism and remind us that a cure is in fact within reach — and we can’t get enough! We want to hear every story. Tell us about the friendships you’ve formed through The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) community by emailing shareyourstory@michaeljfox.org. We may even feature your story in an upcoming publication.
If you’re wondering what we mean, read about some of the powerful bonds formed through MJFF over the years:
Nancy and Soania were seated together at a research event hosted by The Michael J. Fox Foundation.
"‘That moment changed my life completely in dealing with my diagnosis. She made me feel for the first time like I wasn't alone,’ says Nancy."
“Across the study sites, mini support groups have sprung up as patients at this similar stage of disease connect with each other.”
Matt and Roger met through Team Fox and decided to walk the 500-mile Camino de Santiago together.
“Matt, from Cincinnati, Ohio and Roger, then living in Monument, Colorado spoke on the phone one evening and felt instantly connected.”
Jimmy’s ‘American Ninja Warrior’ run inspired Akbar to join MJFF’s Board of Directors and fundraise.
“Since Jimmy introduced Akbar to The Michael J. Fox Foundation, together, they have been invaluable in identifying new ways to engage the PD community.”