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Get Moving! Work Out Your Parkinson’s Symptoms with John Coppola

Get Moving! Work Out Your Parkinson’s Symptoms with John Coppola

Many people with Parkinson’s report that exercise helps them manage their disease. Five individuals talk about their routines — and how staying active is improving their physical and emotional outlook.


What’s Your Exercise Regimen? I work out at the gym six days a week, alternating between 40 minutes on a stationary bike and 40 minutes lifting weights. In season, I play golf and walk the course. My golf game hasn’t necessarily improved over the years, but it hasn’t gotten any worse.

How Does Exercise Help You? I’m no world-class athlete, but exercise definitely helps me mentally. Although I may hate it while I’m working out, I feel pretty good once it’s over. You’re doing something to take action against the disease.

Are You New to Exercise? I’ve always been this active. After my Parkinson’s diagnosis, I figured it couldn’t hurt to keep it up.

What Else Helps? I’ve been a part of a clinical study for the past five years. I’ve learned a lot from my participation, including how to better tolerate living with PD. I’m glad to contribute to research as a patient.

Any Words of Wisdom? Find and do the things that make you feel like you’re in control of your disease.

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