No matter where the starting line is located, our community continues to go the distance to bring us closer to our ultimate finish line — a cure for Parkinson’s disease (PD). Now more than ever, runners and walkers around the world are teaming up to make the most of their miles in support of The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s (MJFF) mission. Will you join them?
From your local park, backyard or treadmill, this spring you can unite with an active community of individuals and teams working to speed better treatments and an end to Parkinson’s disease. The Michael J. Fox Foundation invites you to choose your own distance and start time, and take part in our spring Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon on the weekend of May 7-9.
“The Foundation is proud to play a role in bringing the worldwide Parkinson’s community together through on-ramps of virtual activities with a shared goal in mind of maintaining momentum in Parkinson’s research,” said Liz Diemer, Director of Team Fox and Community Events at MJFF. “It’s the magic of the community and their dedication that is forging us ahead toward the advancement of better treatments and a cure around the corner.”
Last October, MJFF hosted its first-ever Virtual 5K/10K, which gathered nearly 5,800 individuals from all 50 U.S. states and 19 countries worldwide, and generated $1.4 million for Parkinson’s research — the most ever raised for a single MJFF 5K event. Through the unwavering support of the Parkinson’s community, the Foundation has created the spring Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon to safely unite once again to advance our research programs. Featuring a longer distance for those looking for a new challenge, and fun incentives for fundraisers, the spring Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon welcomes past participants from the fall, and first timers.
“In 20 years, the Foundation has funded over $1 billion in research that will — I am confident — will lead to a cure in my lifetime,” said Jamie Hoag, a Team Fox athlete living with Parkinson’s. Back in 2019 Jamie ran the Boston Marathon to support the Foundation and now, he’s preparing to lace up once again to help put PD in the past. “I am doing my part by joining the community in purpose-led events like MJFF’s Run/Walk series to help move research forward.”
Need some inspiration to take on those miles? Check out highlights from the Fall 2020 Virtual 5K/10K and selfies from runners/walkers worldwide sharing why they #outrunPD.
Ready to join us and the worldwide MJFF community? Register today for the Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon! If you have any questions, email us at foxtrot@michaeljfox.org.