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Meet Team Fox's Summer Interns

Meet Team Fox's Summer Interns

Sarah Bressler and Elizabeth Grant, two of three Team Fox summer interns.

Every summer, Team Fox acquires a talented pool of interns who lend their creativity and skills to our mission to cure Parkinson's. In between attending meetings and helping with the day-to-day operations of the Foundation, we sat down with these skilled and enthusiastic interns to learn more about them and their inspiration for joining MJFF.

What project have you most enjoyed working on?

Elizabeth Grant: I loved being a part of Susan Bilotta's Tips for Parkinson's event. I worked on marketing the event through a variety of social media outlets and enjoyed the opportunity to be creative, while simultaneously sharing important event and fundraising information with the community. I also was able to attend "Tips" and see firsthand how Sue and the team's hard work culminated into an extremely successful event.

Sarah Bressler: I'm currently working on an analysis of Jake's Ride, a cycling event held each year in Short Hills, my hometown. The analysis is helping to brainstorm new ways to improve upon last year's ride. Since I've participated in Jake's Ride for about seven years, I'm really enjoying this project.

Jack Daly: The project that I enjoyed most was helping Director of Team Fox Stephanie Paddock with the Fox Shop store. We assessed our current inventory and researched potential new products.

What is the one thing you want to take away from your internship at MJFF?

Elizabeth: I'm hoping to take away a greater understanding of the most efficient and effective ways to organize people and resources around fundraising. I want to use these skills when I return to school and when I continue my Parkinson's fundraising efforts as a Team Fox member!

Sarah: I want to become more proficient in speaking about the Foundation, Team Fox and the progress we're making in the field of Parkinson's research. The more meetings I attend, the more fascinating things I learn about MJFF. I'm ready to share what I've learned with the people in my community!

Jack: I hope to gain experience and an understanding of how companies and nonprofits operate.

What piece of advice would you give to a future intern?

Elizabeth: Get to know the Foundation as a whole. Go to different brown bags, attend your 360 orientation and don't be afraid to ask questions. Now that I have a greater understanding of the variety of roles at the Foundation, I've found that working on my own little piece of the puzzle for Team Fox is much more fulfilling.

Sarah: Stay informed. There is so much to be learned about each team at MJFF. I would also tell future interns to always work hard. There are many different jobs that make MJFF successful, so no matter the size, every job is important.

Jack: Try to learn as much as you can about the Foundation and Parkinson's disease. Read through the articles on the website before you come in so that you have a better understanding of how the Foundation works. The videos on their website were very helpful when I first started. Come in ready for anything!

Outside of the internship, what are some things on your agenda this summer?

Elizabeth: Every summer my family rents a house in Fair Harbor, Fire Island. I love spending lazy weekends sleeping on the beach, going for bike rides and not having to cook for myself.

Sarah: I'm preparing to apply to colleges soon, so outside of the internship I'm constructing my applications.

Jack: I'll attend a squash camp in Rhode Island and will also build up my track and field skills. Also, relaxing with family, friends and a good book!

Interested in an internship with the Foundation? The Foundation is always looking for smart, determined individuals who would like to work with us. Resumes can be submitted to the Foundation throughout the year. To view current openings and to apply, visit our Careers page.

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