Nadine with her granddaughter.
The last time FoxFeed wrote about Nadine Wiand, she had participated in four clinical trials for Parkinson’s disease. That was in 2013, and since then she’s done at least seven more. Yet Nadine still feels like she could be doing more.
When Nadine decided to get involved in research, her doctor had said, "you have PD, but it's not the worst thing. It’s the best time to get it because so much research is being done." Nadine says, "I feel like I'm doing something instead of waiting for someone else to find a cure. Maybe I can be part of it.”
Nadine has signed up for Fox Trial Finder, The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s online clinical trials locator tool. Emails come into her inbox whenever she has a new trial match and every two weeks she logs in to search for new options. She said participating is a “win-win” because she’s getting to meet new people and doctors who can take a fresh look at her progression and pick up something new.
Nadine believes her background in nursing helped her make the call to get involved. She is part of an early-onset support group and is always bringing her fellow members more information about trials. She wants them to know that there are many options as simple as typing or filling out a questionnaire.
Nadine likes to look for the silver lining in a lot of things. The disease may have caused her to go on disability a few years ago, but now she has plenty of time to spend with her granddaughter. That motivates her, too. “Having a granddaughter, I want do something so she could never have to face this.”
Join Nadine and the more than 39,000 other volunteers signed up to accelerate research toward a Parkinson’s cure. Register on Fox Trial Finder today to receive a custom list of PD clinical trials in your area.
Kate Harmon is a guest blogger for FoxFeed and profiles members of the PD community who have participated in clinical trials when she's not working as a newspaper editor. Her father has Parkinson's and her entire family is involved in the fight. Check out their family blog for more of these PD warriors, www.pcrfinc.com.