The Team Fox community brings together people of all ages. In this ongoing series, we talk with younger Team Fox members who are getting an early start on raising funds and awareness for Parkinson’s research.
JJ Mallory (13), Laurie Frattina (10), Nicholas Frattina (8), Shannon Mallo ry (6) and Erin Mallory (10)
Beach Haven, NJ
Team Fox Summer Stand
Funds Raised: $540
Why Team Fox: To show support for our uncle, John Ryan, who has Parkinson’s and runs marathons to raise funds with Team Fox.
Why a lemonade stand: We have had success with lemonade stands in the past and chose to also make crafts to help bring in more money.
Greatest challenge: Getting customers to come to our stand. But we did have one guy who donated $100 and then came back to donate another $100!
Greatest reward: Showing others that we are good citizens and that we will never give up on finding a cure.
What’s next: We want to continue raising money for Parkinson’s by selling our arts and crafts.
How we think/able: By believing we can find a cure!