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One-on-One with Abby Tutterow: 10 Year Old Team Fox Member

Last month, 10 year old Abby Tutterow decided that she wanted to combine her birthday party with a "Pancakes for Parkinson's" fundraiser.  We had a moment to catch up with Abby after her event to hear about how it went!

TF: What inspired you to have a “Pancakes for Parkinson’s” birthday party?

AT: My Grandmother, Gigi, has Parkinson's. My Mom, my Aunt Susan and their friend Patty ran a marathon last year to raise money for Parkinson's. My Mom and I were looking at the Michael J. Fox website, and we read about “Pancakes for Parkinson's.” I thought it would be really fun to host it for my birthday party.

TF: What was the hardest part of planning?

AT: Figuring out the way the party was going to work, because we wanted to have pancakes and ice skating.

TF: What was the best part of the event?

AT: Having my friends and family all together, raising a lot of money, and having everybody sing Happy Birthday to me. I was so excited that my grandparents came for the party--I didn't know that they were coming!

TF: Did you learn anything new when you were planning the event?

AT: I found out that some of my friends also have family members with Parkinson's, and it's good to know someone who knows what that's like.

TF: Was there anything that surprised you about the event?

AT: I was definitely surprised by how much money that we raised (Abby has raised almost $2,000!)!! I only thought that we would raise about $300, but when a lot of people join together, you can do something really great.  Every little bit really counts.

TF: Would you ever host another fundraiser?

AT: Probably yes, but maybe in a different form. Next time, I want to try a Bingo Night for Parkinson's!

TF: What would you tell other kids who are thinking about planning a fundraiser party?

AT: It makes you feel really good. Everyday, I was so excited to ask my Mom how much more money we had raised to fight Parkinson's.

TF: Who do you consider a hero?

AT: My mom, because she ran a marathon for Parkinson's, and that's really hard to do.

TF: What’s your favorite type of pancake?

AT: Plain with whipped cream, chocolate chips and powdered sugar on top. But banana is good, too.

TF: Lastly, is there anything else that you'd like people to know?

AT:I really hope that they find a cure, because then Gigi and all the other people with Parkinson's could be cured.

Abby, congratulations!!  You have shown that everyone can help in the fight to end Parkinson's.  Kudos to you!

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