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People with Parkinson’s Rely on the United States Postal Service

More Medication but Fewer Side Effects

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the American postal system has seen a dramatic increase in demand. People are receiving things through the mail they never did before to limit their time outside of the house and to protect themselves from infection. Many people with Parkinson’s have opted to receive the medications they take through the mail. 

During the last week of March, mail-order prescriptions rose 21 percent from the same time period in 2019. This brings the total share of mail-order prescriptions to nearly six percent — a historic high share in at least two years, according to data from SunTrust Robinson Humphrey analyst Gregg Gilbert. 

It is important for people with Parkinson’s to have access to their medication, and mail service is often best. Parkinson’s is a lifelong and progressive disease, meaning symptoms worsen over time. And there is no way to slow or stop the progression of Parkinson’s. People with Parkinson’s need continued access to their drugs and services. Without access to medications, even for a short while, symptoms can re-emerge and quality of life can go down significantly. 

Since the pandemic began, people with Parkinson’s have been able to safely stay home and still obtain medical care and receive prescriptions through the mail. As the pandemic continues, getting medication and other medical equipment reliably through the mail will remain extremely important.

Congress needs to hear from you as they consider policies to support the United States Postal Service. Please ask your Senators and Representative to ensure people with Parkinson’s can continue to receive their life-improving treatments. We need your voice!

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