MJFF awardee Civitas Therapeutics today announced that they have initiated a clinical trial for an inhaled formulation of levodopa, the gold standard therapy to treat the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD).
To date, the practical way that levodopa has been absorbed is in pill form. But many patients who take the drug experience “off” periods – when the effects of the medication wear off before they are ready to take their next dose. These “off” periods can be limiting, as they can leave patients in a state where symptoms such as rigidity or slowness of movement return.
Finding a more consistent method of delivering levodopa could help to minimize these periods, and is therefore one of the critical unmet needs for those living with PD. Civitas hopes that their inhaled formulation of levodopa, called CVT-301, could do just this.
Check out this podcast with Foundation CEO Todd Sherer, PhD, to learn more about some of the other novel approaches that researchers are taking toward limiting these “off periods.”