Whether you have Parkinson’s disease (PD) or not, participating in research is a way to contribute toward a cure. Some studies collect information from people over time. Others test the impact of a therapy or intervention. Both types of studies are critical for speeding a cure. In this research roundup blog, we share a handful of studies recruiting volunteers.
- Landmark Study on a Mission to Stop Parkinson’s: The Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) follows participants and collects data over time in an effort to better treat and prevent disease. Data from PPMI shows that smell loss is an important signal of risk for Parkinson’s. PPMI is offering free and simple scratch-and-sniff tests to anyone over age 60 not living with Parkinson’s disease in the U.S. Please visit mysmelltest.org/getmytest to request a smell test.
People recently diagnosed with PD can play a critical role in PPMI. If you’ve been diagnosed in the past two years and are not yet taking PD medication, please call 877-525-PPMI or email joinppmi@michaeljfox.org to get started. Visit our website to learn more.
Anyone over age 18 in the U.S. can join the online part of PPMI. - Clinical Trial Targeting LRRK2 to Slow Progression: Some people with Parkinson’s have too much activity of the LRRK2 protein in their central nervous system. The REASON study, led by biotech company Biogen, is testing an experimental drug aimed at decreasing levels of LRRK2 protein to slow Parkinson’s progression. At seven sites across the U.S., the trial is recruiting volunteers diagnosed with Parkinson’s in the last seven years (with or without a LRRK2 gene mutation). They are recruiting volunteers that have either not undergone any treatment or are on a stable dose of Parkinson’s medication to treat symptoms. Learn more and connect with study sites at parkinsonsdiseaseresearch.com.
- Non-Invasive Wearable Device to Manage Symptoms: Scientists are working to find better ways to treat Parkinson’s, including through innovative technologies and approaches. Twenty centers in the United States and United Kingdom are conducting a trial to test whether a wearable brainstem modulation device can improve Parkinson’s symptoms. The device, which requires no surgery and looks like headphones, delivers different patterns of stimulation to the brain. Participants self-administer the 20-minute treatment at home and are asked to visit a medical center and join video calls over the course of one year. Learn more and contact a study site.
- Trials Testing a Drug to Improve PD Symptoms: Cerevel TemPo studies are a suite of three clinical studies evaluating an oral investigational drug (Tavapadon) to see if it may help improve PD symptoms that impact movement and daily activities. Sites across the globe are recruiting volunteers. Those eligible must be 40-80 years of age, have a confirmed PD diagnosis, and have never received deep brain stimulation. Learn more and find a trial site near you: TemPo-1, TemPo-2, or TemPo-3.
Want to learn more about the critical role you can play in research? Watch a video or download a guide on our website.