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Research Roundup: Recruiting Studies on Parkinson’s Genetics and Symptoms

Promoting diversity in Parkinson's research benefits every one

Join The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s mission to find better treatments and ultimately a cure. Whether you have Parkinson’s disease (PD) or not, participating in research is one way to contribute to efforts to develop innovative treatments. In this research roundup blog, we share MJFF-funded and partnering studies that are actively recruiting volunteers. Some investigate ways to treat motor symptoms and slow disease progression. Some follow participants over time to learn more about disease. 

Learn more through the links on how to get involved in each study. Please spread the word of these studies to your networks!  

  • Landmark Study Enrolling Anyone Aged 18+: MJFF’s landmark study, the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), is recruiting volunteers with and without PD. The study is exploring how brain disease starts and changes in people of all backgrounds. PPMI is open to anyone over age 18 — with and without Parkinson’s — in the U.S. Learn more and join the study that’s changing everything.  Smell loss can be an early sign of Parkinson’s risk. PPMI is also offering free smell tests to anyone age 60 and up without Parkinson’s. Request a free scratch-and-sniff test today and contribute to important research at   

  • A Study to Improve Parkinson’s Symptoms: The Ascend study is evaluating the effectiveness of a drug to treat a novel receptor found in the brain. This receptor is part of a brain circuit responsible for motor and non-motor symptoms associated with PD. Sponsored by Cerevance, the study aims to develop an oral treatment that may improve Parkinson’s symptoms. The study is enrolling people ages 30+ with PD and who are not currently on PD medications. Read more about the study and find out if you are eligible to participate. 

  • Treatment Targeted at GBA-PD: A study is assessing a new drug, BIA 28-6156 (LTI-291), as a potential treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease who have a mutation in the GBA1 gene. This study is sponsored by pharmaceutical company Bial and is looking for volunteers between ages 35-80 who were diagnosed with PD at least one year ago but no longer than 7 years. It is specifically seeking individuals with a mutation in the GBA1 gene. Other eligibility criteria apply. This study's purpose is to test the safety, tolerability and efficacy of the new drug. Read more and find a study center near you.    


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