Raychel Brightman, a junior at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, is majoring in Sound and has composed a number of instrumental pieces for film, video installation and more. One of her latest projects is a piece entitled Resilience, which is currently for sale on iTunes. She is donating the profits from its sale to Sonny Whelen’s Team Fox efforts. Her mother, Sherry Brightman, works for Whelen Engineering, Co, Inc., and she knew she wanted to do something to support Sonny and Team Fox. With the help and talent of her daughter, they released Resilience on iTunes in August.
Raychel explains, “My mom and I felt compelled to help out, in support of Sonny Whelen, for those we know dealing with Parkinson’s, and for all those we don’t know who suffer each day. If I were a millionaire, I would donate millions. If I were a scientist, I would work towards a cure. Since I am none of the above, I do what I do best, and this piece is a result of that. When you listen to Resilience, feel the power, urgency and hope that was intended, and the very things that will help achieve the goals of the Foundation.”
Resilience is available now on iTunes, just search either by the song name or by Raychel Brightman. And visit Raychel’s Vimeo channel to preview the song.