Editor's Note: Kristy Rose Follmar, a certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist, is a retired World Champion professional boxer. She has been with Rock Steady Boxing since it was founded and is the Program Director/Head Coach.
Rock Steady Boxing was founded in 2006 to empower people with Parkinson's disease (PD) to fight back through a non-contact, boxing-style fitness regimen and emotional support. The program started in a tiny gym in Indianapolis, Indiana and has grown to over 900 affiliate locations serving over 50,000 people with PD. We created a short video to introduce you to Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) and our mission:
Contrary to popular belief, boxing does not require that you spar with another person. The discipline, preparation, and training for the fight is 99 percent of the process. And at Rock Steady, the only opponent is Parkinson's disease.
Boxing does require hand-eye coordination, speed of movement, agility, footwork, explosive movements, balance, and focus — many of which are impacted by Parkinson's. At Rock Steady, fighters strengthen these skills and build confidence with the support of a team and coaches trained to understand the complexities of Parkinson's in a safe and encouraging environment.
We know that exercise holds many benefits for people with Parkinson's, but staying active during this unusual time is difficult. That’s why RSB recently launched a new video series, the Rock Steady On Your Own Exercise Series, or “RSB ROX,” to provide simple, safe ways to keep our community moving.* The videos focus on laughter, staying flexible, safety at home and connection. We encourage you to explore our exercises and invite your care partner (at RSB, we call them our “Corner Peeps”) to join!
To get started, subscribe to Rock Steady Boxing HQ’s YouTube channel and look for the “RSB ROX” playlist. For a full workout, choose a video from each of the following categories (in this order):
- Warm-Up (this includes a stretch!)
- Workout
- Core
- Cool-Down
We continue to add more videos so be sure to check back regularly for new exercises, tips and tricks. And join our #RSBFamily on Facebook for more content and conversation. You can take the fight out of our gyms, but you can't take the fight out of Rock Steady.
*Please consult a physician prior to this or any exercise program. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded during exercise, STOP immediately. You agree that you are participating at your own risk, possibility in a non-gym, or unsupervised environment. Therefore, Rock Steady Boxing, Inc. cannot be held liable for accident or injury incurred by participation in this at-home program.