In 2015, Roy Robson visited his doctor for a bad cold.
During the exam, the doctor asked Roy to stick out his tongue and was concerned to see it shaking slightly side to side, recalls his wife Roma. That observation would eventually lead to a diagnosis: Parkinson’s disease.
Their daughter, Lori Robson, began researching various groups involved with PD and was impressed with the work of The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF). Roma especially appreciated MJFF’s focus on research.
“It’s medical research that’s going to help people,” Roma says. “It’s the intensive research that’s going to get rid of this disease.”
A cure didn’t come in time to save Roy, an aerospace engineer who died in 2018. Roma and her children, committed to eliminating PD, now make donations to MJFF.
For the financially savvy Roma, those donations come directly from her IRA. Through her research, the 84-year-old learned it was the way she could make the most out of her gift to MJFF.
Individuals 70 1/2 or older can make a tax-free gift – up to $100,000 per year – to MJFF. For those required to take minimum distributions, the gift can satisfy all or part of their obligation.
“I’m always surprised how many people don’t know about it,” says Roma. “I want to spread the word a little bit.”
Like Roma, you can help eliminate Parkinson’s disease with your IRA. Learn more by contacting Planned Giving at 212-509-1524 or plannedgiving@michaeljfox.org.