When Oliver and Terry Holler were asked to go on a promotional tour in Argentina, they agreed--with the condition that they be allowed to continue their ongoing fundraising for Team Fox.
In August, the Hollers were involved in a national campaign for electronics chain, Garbarino with their DeLorean Time Machine and actor Christopher Lloyd. The ‘Back to the Future’ themed commercials were such a success, the Hollers were invited back to the country to embark on a three month tour with their unique automobile.
“We saw an opportunity to spread awareness of the foundation in a part of the world that might not have been reached yet,” says Oliver. Terry continues, “Pesos can also finance research, and we didn't want to abandon an important part of our current lifestyle just because we were going outside of the U.S. for an extended time."
The Hollers have aligned themselves with Sergio Saluzzi, Meli Godoy and other Argentine citizens who share an interest in Team Fox and, like the Hollers, are fans of ‘Back to the Future’. "Everything we do, we do it with enthusiasm,” says Sergio. Meli adds, “We're happy to help.” Their invaluable support includes help with translations, custom designed graphics, videos, as well as daily updates to their Argentine website to craft a clear and effective message for a Spanish speaking audience.
The Hollers journey is taking them through eleven provinces across the country and they are distributing over 70,000 pieces of literature along the way. An 8 minute bi-lingual video repeats the Team Fox mission statement along with Parkinson PSA's and other captivating video.
For photos and daily information about their ‘time travels’, visit the Holler’s website ToTheFuture.org and ‘like’ the same on Facebook.