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Watch MJFF’s Latest Film: A Swift Story of Our Success

From funding high-impact research programs to catalyzing major treatment breakthroughs, The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) has been a leader in the field, moving the world closer to a cure for Parkinson’s disease (PD). Since launching in 2000, our goal has always been to fund the most promising, high-risk and high-reward science. But two decades later, something unexpected happened along the way. As the science advanced, so did our mission: to empower the community — people and families with PD — to be the solution they seek. Today, this powerful collective is moving research forward at an astonishing pace, all while supporting each other.  

The Foundation’s latest film, directed by Michael J. Fox's producing partner and MJFF Board member, Nelle Fortenberry, highlights some of the achievements that were made possible because of this extraordinary community. Set to U2’s rock anthem “Desire” because of our desire to find a cure, the video features a retrospective on MJFF’s biggest accomplishments to date, such as the first large-scale genetic map of Parkinson’s, new PD treatments and this year’s landmark discovery of a biomarker for the disease. It would take longer than the five minutes on screen to acknowledge every milestone we’ve marked, but the selections here are a reminder of our never-ending march toward a cure for Parkinson's.   

None of this would’ve been possible without the help of you — our supporters and biggest champions. Thanks to your passion and commitment to this cause, together, we have achieved extraordinary progress. And it’s only the beginning of what we’ll accomplish together.  

You can help fund the cure we desire today. Join us. 

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