Guest blogger Bev Ribaudo was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's at age 47, but her symptoms began in her late 30′s. Having always been an optimist, Bev decided to fight this disease using humor, sharing her observations at Parkinson's Humor.
I am a week away from DBS surgery. I have had a lot of people contact me and ask why, specifically, I am considering such a step now. To most, it seems like an extreme measure; a last resort, but it actually is a quality of life decision.
Even though I was only diagnosed with Parkinson's five years ago, I have had the disease for at least sixteen years. I had excellent results from medication when I first started taking it. The change in my physical condition after just five pills was miraculous and I wish I had before and after video to show you.
I got by on just three doses a day for almost four years, but then the disease progressed again. With Parkinson's; you develop symptoms then stay at that level for awhile; develop more symptoms and stay at that level for awhile; develop worse symptoms and stay at that level for awhile, etc. I am now in my sixth "get worse" period and my "stay at the same level" times are decreasing. A year ago, I was doing well on three doses; a few months ago, I was doing okay on six doses. Now, I am not doing well at all. (Every person with Parkinson's progresses differently.)
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video should explain why I am having DBS. This video is eight minutes long and shows a typical day for me. I repeat the same routine (typical things done daily) over and over again, every hour or so. Rigidity and slowness (bradykinesia) are difficult to capture, but I think I've done a pretty good job. Have a look:
If the surgery goes well, I expect to have an increase of six hours of ON time a day and hopefully eliminate some side effects (foot cramps) at the same time, which would definitely improve my quality of life.