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Podcast: How Genetic Discoveries Lead to Parkinson's Therapies

The Path to a Parkinson’s Drug Approval (Webinar Audio)

With three new Parkinson’s treatments approved in the last year, there are more options than ever before for people living with the disease. Tune into audio from this Third Thursdays Webinar to hear movement disorder specialists, research experts and a person living with Parkinson’s answer community questions about the new treatments available, explain how therapies make it through FDA approval and share the latest on treatments in the pipeline.   

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In this episode Bradford Casey, PhD, senior scientific portfolio manager at The Michael J. Fox Foundation speaks with: 

  • Brian Fiske, PhD, chief scientist at MJFF. 
  • María De León, MD, diagnosed with PD in 2008 and a member of MJFF’s Patient Council. 
  • Stuart Isaacson, MD, FAAN, director of the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Boca Raton, Florida. 

View a transcript of this podcast.

The Foundation’s landmark study, the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative, also known as PPMI, is recruiting volunteers. Join the study that’s changing everything

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