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Podcast: Dystonia Causes and Care

Podcast: New to Parkinson’s? Steps to Take Today (Webinar Replay)

Navigating a Parkinson’s diagnosis can be challenging, but you’re not alone. In this audio from our Third Thursdays Webinar replay, expert panelists share practical tips for managing the early years of Parkinson’s disease (PD). They discuss how to build your care team, the importance of diet and exercise and opportunities to participate in research.

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In this podcast, Larry Gifford, Patient Council member at The Michael J. Fox Foundation, leads a discussion with expert panelists:

  • Jerome P. Lisk, MD, FAAN, movement disorder specialist; principal investigator of many Parkinson’s trials
  • Marie H. Saint-Hilaire, MD, director of the American Parkinson Disease Advanced Center of Research; professor of neurology; principal investigator of the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) at Boston University
  • Phil Alongi, media executive diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2019; PPMI participant at the Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders

Want to see the slides and other resources from the webinar? Watch on demand. And find more resources for people recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

View a transcript of this podcast.

Our landmark PPMI study has a special need for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s in the past two years and not yet taking PD medication. Connect with the PPMI team today at

Anyone over age 18 in the U.S. — with PD, at any stage, or without — can join the online part of PPMI. Get started at

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