Public policy plays an important role in speeding a cure for Parkinson's. In this audio from our Third Thursdays Webinar, expert panelists discuss the many ways to become a Parkinson’s advocate and the first-ever legislation solely dedicated to ending Parkinson’s.
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In this podcast, moderator Carol Blymire, MJFF policy consultant, leads a discussion with expert panelists:
- Dustin Watson, director of government relations, MJFF
- Amy Lindberg, retired Navy officer, MJFF policy ambassador, diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2017
- Dana Richter, JD, senior policy advisor and general counsel, Office of Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
During the conversation, panelists spoke about The National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act which was recently introduced in Congress. If you haven’t yet, please send an email asking your legislator to show their support by becoming a co-sponsor.
Want to see the slides and other resources from the webinar? Watch on demand.
View a transcript of this podcast.
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