It’s no exaggeration to say that social connection and building community are essential to living well with Parkinson’s disease. And with the challenges of COVID-19 still present, finding your Parkinson’s “buddy” has never been more important.
In this episode, our host rolls out an online resource from the Foundation — the Parkinson’s Buddy Network (parkinsonsbuddynetwork.org). And we’ll talk to a few users of the new network on how they found their buddies and mentors, and what it’s meant to them.
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Expert Panelists:
Host and person with Parkinson's Larry Gifford leads a discussion with:
Stephanie Paddock, vice president of community events at The Michael J. Fox Foundation
Bob Harmon, person living with Parkinson's who joined the Parkinson's Buddy Network hoping to help mentor others
Chris Kester-Beyer, person living with Parkinson's who joined the Parkinson's Buddy Network looking for new connections to support his journey with the disease