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Podcast: Treating Parkinson's 'Off' Episodes

Your Daily Dose: Managing Parkinson’s Medications (Webinar Audio)

Finding the right Parkinson’s treatment plan can be a trial-and-error process. The kind of medication, the dosage, the timing, lifestyle factors and more are all important pieces of the puzzle. In audio from this Third Thursdays Webinar, our expert panel made up of people living with Parkinson’s disease (PD), a movement disorder specialist and a researcher discuss different medication options, practical tips for finding what works best for you and the latest research on emerging treatments.  

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In this episode athlete and activist Jimmy Choi, who was diagnosed with early-onset PD in 2003 and is a member of MJFF’s Patient Council, leads a discussion with: 

  • Allie Signorelli, a nonprofit fundraiser and event producer who was diagnosed with early-onset PD in 2022 at 47. She’s an advocate and writer, and a fellow member of the MJFF Patient Council.  

  • Eric Jackowiak, MD, a movement disorder specialist and an assistant professor of neurology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He was also a Class of 2020 Edmond J. Safra Fellow. 

  • Brian Fiske, PhD, MJFF’s Chief Scientist who works with a team of people across the Foundation and in the Parkinson’s community to develop its vision for accelerating research and drug development. He’s also an active Team Fox member. 

View a transcript of the podcast.  

Want to see the slides and other resources from the webinar? Watch on demand

The Foundation’s landmark study, the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative, also known as PPMI, is recruiting volunteers. Join the study that’s changing everything.

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