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Real Talk from Participants

People with Parkinson's and control volunteers share their advice and perspective on joining clinical studies and being an active participant in the quest for a cure.

  • Podcast: As Fox Trial Finder Reaches 20,000 Volunteers, One Volunteer Shares Her Story

    Podcast: As Fox Trial Finder Reaches 20,000 Volunteers, One Volunteer Shares Her Story

    Fox Trial Finder volunteer Gwen Schroeder recounts her first clinical trial experience to MJFF contributing editor Dave Iverson.
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  • PPMI Patient Committee Member to Scientists: 'You Give Us Hope'

    PPMI Patient Committee Member to Scientists: 'You Give Us Hope'

    PPMI Patient Committee member Jean Burns discusses her experience at the study's recent Annual Meeting.
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  • Clinical Research Participation Gives One Patient New Reasons for Hope

    Clinical Research Participation Gives One Patient New Reasons for Hope

    “We will only get new drugs if people volunteer,” says Betsy Barber, of Tampa, Florida. That’s among the many reasons she as participated in eight clinical trials since her diagnosis 12 years ago.
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  • “A Very Educational Experience:” One Patient’s Perspective on Participating in the Pioglitazone Study

    “A Very Educational Experience:” One Patient’s Perspective on Participating in the Pioglitazone Study

    With a son as a surgeon and a daughter-in-law as a drug rep, Al Charles’ family understands the need for increased participation in clinical trials—especially among newly diagnosed patients.
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  • A Search for Answers Leads One Patient to Genetics

    A Search for Answers Leads One Patient to Genetics

    Sharon Rybicki of Sarasota, FL, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1998. Only 43 years old at the time, she was devastated by the news. Here is part of her story.
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  • Why Not Participate? One Patient’s Perspective on Genetic Research

    Why Not Participate? One Patient’s Perspective on Genetic Research

    For many, the decision to participate in genetic research is not a trivial one. But for Gary Schmitz, he didn’t think twice. “For me,” he says, “the question was why wouldn’t you want to contribute?”
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The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative is changing how patients, families, doctors and scientists think about brain disease. Now it needs you.

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