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Real Talk from Participants

People with Parkinson's and control volunteers share their advice and perspective on joining clinical studies and being an active participant in the quest for a cure.

  • Woman sitting in wheelchair at doctor's office

    My Research Journey: A Practical Way of Managing Parkinson’s

    Jen Gaudio, one of the first ever PPMI participants, shares why she participates in research as a practical and constructive way to manage Parkinson’s.
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  • Two people smiling at the camera outside.

    My Research Journey: “It’s Never Too Early to Make a Difference”

    Phil Alongi, 67, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2019 and is participating in MJFF’s landmark study to contribute toward a future without PD.
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  • People in formal attire smiling at camera

    My Research Journey: How My Family History Led Me to a Worldwide Parkinson’s Study

    Susan Levy, 68, guest blogger, participates in a Parkinson’s research study as a tribute to her mother who lived with the disease for many years.
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  • Man and woman smiling at camera.

    My Research Journey: Sharing My Perspective as a Care Partner

    Prentis Brooks, 59, shares his perspective participating in research as a care partner of his wife, Christie, who has PD.
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  • Man smiling at camera.

    My Research Journey: Sharing Experiences to Find Solutions

    After becoming diagnosed with Parkinson's, Paul Lee proactively tried to find out as much as he could about the disease. He learned about Fox Insight, MJFF's online clinical study, and did…
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  • Man and woman smiling at camera.

    My Research Journey: Chipping Away at the Cure

    Guest blogger Kim Barnett participates in research to honor her father who had Parkinson’s.
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Join the Study that's Changing Everything

The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative is changing how patients, families, doctors and scientists think about brain disease. Now it needs you.

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