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Real Talk from Participants

People with Parkinson's and control volunteers share their advice and perspective on joining clinical studies and being an active participant in the quest for a cure.

  • Doctor-with-patients

    A Privilege to Participate

    Diane Winiarski not only signs up for every research study on Parkinson’s disease that she can, she feels lucky to be able to do it. Here’s why.
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  • Carol Whitlatch with her son and partner.

    A Parkinson’s Diagnosis Brings a Researcher Full Circle

    Once Carol Whitlatch was diagnosed with Parkinson's, she signed up for Fox Insight.
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    A Gift (to Research) That Keeps on Giving

    For more Foundation news and research updates, read the Spring/Summer 2019 edition of The Fox Focus, our biannual newsletter.
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  • PPMI Participant Hyam Kramer and his husband Tom posing in front of the Taj Mahal on their vacation.

    "Smart" Studies: Digital Health Tools Help Understand the Daily Parkinson's Experience

    Researchers are exploring how to utilize smartphones and smartwatches, and Parkinson's is a good test case.
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  • Fox Insight participant Charles Leblow with his daughter.

    A Proactive Approach to Parkinson's

    Immersing himself in research -- including signing up for studies like Fox Insight -- has helped Charles Leblow thrive since his 2014 Parkinson's diagnosis.
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  • Patient and doctors

    How Patients Helped Us Pick Our New Grants

    Members of our Patient Council discuss their role in choosing eight innovative projects we're now funding to treat gait and balance problems.
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Join the Study that's Changing Everything

The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative is changing how patients, families, doctors and scientists think about brain disease. Now it needs you.

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