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Real Talk from Participants

People with Parkinson's and control volunteers share their advice and perspective on joining clinical studies and being an active participant in the quest for a cure.

  • What It's Like to Volunteer for a Clinical Research Trial

    What It's Like to Volunteer for a Clinical Research Trial

    Yahoo! Health: Two clinical research patients tell their stories, and why the research of pharmaceutical companies is important.
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  • Robert Baittie Creates Happiness from a Parkinson's Diagnosis

    Robert Baittie Creates Happiness from a Parkinson's Diagnosis

    Robert Baittie, a man living with PD who is also a participant in the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative, blogger and author, is profiled in Make It Better magazine.
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  • Fox Trial Finder Recruits 40,000 Volunteers

    Fox Trial Finder Recruits 40,000 Volunteers

    The PD community reacts to this incredible accomplishment -- 40,000 registered volunteers have raised their hands to participate in Parkinson's clinical research.
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  • Don't Accept That There's Nothing to Be Done

    Don't Accept That There's Nothing to Be Done

    Trial participant David Walters says, “You don’t want to accept that there’s nothing to be done. You can participate in a trial and advance the state of the art of everything."
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  • After Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis, Making an Unlikely Friend

    After Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis, Making an Unlikely Friend

    Bryan Roberts shares how his friend and fellow person with Parkinson's disease inspires him to get involved in research.
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  • For Nadine, Trial Participation is a 'Win-Win'

    For Nadine, Trial Participation is a 'Win-Win'

    Nadine says participating is a “win-win” because she’s getting to meet new people and doctors who can take a fresh look at her progression and pick up something new.
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Join the Study that's Changing Everything

The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative is changing how patients, families, doctors and scientists think about brain disease. Now it needs you.

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