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Research News

Read the latest developments, reporting and analysis from the world of Parkinson's research, including progress made in studies, tools and collaborations funded by The Michael J. Fox Foundation.

  • Bio-Hackathon research team group

    MJFF Bio-Hackathon Brings Research Teams Together to Tackle Alpha-synuclein Post-Translational Modifications in Parkinson’s

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation hosted a two-day meeting on September 6 -7 bringing researchers together to collaboratively develop research programs to identify and quantify alpha-synuclein post…
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  • Samples in the lab

    More Biomarker Developments: New Blood Biomarker Measures Mitochondrial Damage in Parkinson’s

    Now, in another promising step forward in biomarker development, researchers at Duke University School of Medicine have found a new test for detecting PD. Called Mito DNADX, this test uses blood to…
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  • Three people talking at a clinic

    Three New Data Resources to Advance your Parkinson’s Research

    MJFF shares three new datasets made available through the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI).
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  • GBA GP2 Announcement

    Global Coalition Discovers Gene Variant that Increases Parkinson’s Risk among People of African Descent

    Finding enabled by support from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative and The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.
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  • Researching testing items in a lab

    What We Fund: $27.2M Toward Research to Reduce Gait Impairment and Improve Understanding of Pain in Parkinson’s

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) announces 69 grants that total more than $27.2 million awarded in June and July 2023.
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  • National Football League Donates Record $30 Million to Research on Head Trauma

    News in Context: Study Links Playing Football with Increased Odds of Parkinson’s Disease

    A recent study describes a connection between playing American football and an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD) or a related parkinsonism (i.e., disorders that cause symptoms…
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The Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative is changing how patients, families, doctors and scientists think about brain disease. Now it needs you.

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Michael J. Fox in blue sweater posing for the camera.

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Our Foundation exists for one reason: to speed breakthroughs patients can feel in their everyday lives.

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"The question most frequently asked of us is: 'How close are we to a cure for Parkinson’s disease?' With over $800 million in Parkinson's research funded to date, the simplest answer is: closer than ever."
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