To save researchers time and resources, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has made a number of tools available to the scientific community at low cost, with rapid delivery.
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Human iPSC with HiBit-tagged VPS35*
Human iPS Cell
Human iPSC line with HiBiT tag on the VPS35 protein and inducible LgBiT expression for live cell imaging and quantitation. Cell line was developed and kindly shared by Dr. Tom Durcan at McGill University through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program.
Human Parkin Mouse*
Mouse Model
Transgenic mice expressing wild type human Parkin under the direction of the mouse prion protein promoter. Model was generated and deposited by Konstanze Winklhofer at Ruhr University Bochum through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program (available through cryorecovery). RRID:IMSR_JAX:027630
Humanized SNCA Mouse
Mouse Model
Mouse expressing the full human SNCA gene (including promoter, introns, and regulatory elements) without endogenous murine SNCA. Please note: MJFF was not successful in generating this line after multiple attempts. Alternative BAC human alpha-synuclein mouse lines are available at JAX.
Human/Rodent Alpha-Synuclein Aggregate ELISA
ELISA kit for the measurement of human and rodent alpha-synuclein aggregates.
iMCI-PARK Mouse*
Mouse Model
Inducible MCI-PARK (iMCI-PARK) mice, based on the ESR-NDUFS2 strain described by Fernández-Agüera, 2015, were generated by crossing mice carrying a floxed allele of mouse Ndufs2 with mice that broadly express tamoxifen-inducible cre recombinase (Tg(CAG-cre/Esr1*)5Amc that result in a conditional, body-wide knock-out of Ndufs2 following tamoxifen induction. Model was originally designed by deleting Ndufs2 only from dopaminergic neurons by D. James Surmeier at Northwestern University and made available through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:038571
Human iPS Cell
iPSC Neurodegeneration Initiative for Parkinson’s Disease (iNDI-PD) lines are available at JAX. These lines were developed in partnership with NIH, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) to include iPSC lines expressing PD-associated mutations in SCNA, LRRK2, GBA, PINK1 and PRKN as well as mutation-corrected isogenic revertant controls. An inventory of available lines can be found here: https://www.jax.org/jax-mice-and-services/ipsc/cells-collection
INPP5F Antibody
Rabbit monoclonal antibody directed against human/mouse INPP5F for immunoblotting and immunostaining applications.
Estimated Availability: Early 2025
INPP5F Knockout HeLa Cell Line
Immortalized Cell
HeLa cell with homozygous knockout of INPP5F.
We were unable to generate this cell line due to technical difficulty and have discontinued production.
INPP5F Protein*
Human INPP5F Protein. This protein was generated and shared by Drs Paul Brennan and Karolina Rygiel at Oxford University though the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program.
INPP5F pS940 Antibody
Rabbit monoclonal phosphospecific antibody directed against Serine 940 of INPP5F.
Estimated Availability: Late 2025
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Email tools@michaeljfox.org with questions and to suggest new tools for us to develop. Or visit our FAQ page.
"We have shown, thanks in part to MJFF, that researchers now have in their pantry the right ‘ingredients’, to... help to drive forward PD drug development.”
Heather Melrose, PhD
Mayo Clinic