To save researchers time and resources, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has made a number of tools available to the scientific community at low cost, with rapid delivery.
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LRRK2 R1441C Mouse*
Mouse Model
Transgenic mice expressing full length LRRK2 with R1441C mutation driven by CMV enhancer and PDGFB promoter/enhancer elements. Model was generated and deposited by Darren Moore at Van Andel Research Institute and Valina Dawson at Johns Hopkins University through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program (available through cryorecovery). RRID:IMSR_JAX:016576
Immortalized Cell
Mouse embryonic fibroblast line with knockin of the LRRK2 R1441G mutation.
Expected availability: Late 2025
LRRK2 R1441G Mouse
Mouse Model
Transgenic mice overexpressing a mutant form (R1441G) of human LRRK2 directed by its endogenous promoter/enhancer regions on the BAC transgene. RRID:IMSR_JAX:018786
LRRK2 S910A/S935A Knockin Mouse*
Mouse Model
Mice carrying LRRK2 S910A and S935A mutations in exon 21. Model was generated and deposited by Dario Alessi at University of Dundee through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program (available through cryorecovery). RRID:IMSR_JAX:028801
LRRK2 T1348N Mouse
Mouse Model
Mice expressing the T1348N mutant (GTPase-dead) form of LRRK2. RRID:IMSR_JAX:021829
LRRK2 Wild Type Overexpression Mouse*
Mouse Model
Hemizygous BAC LRRK2 mice that overexpress wild type human LRRK2 directed by the human LRRK2 promoter/enhancer regions on the BAC transgene. Model was generated and deposited by Chenjian Li at Mount Sinai School of Medicine through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program (available through cryorecovery). RRID:IMSR_JAX:009610
LRRK2 Wild-type Mouse
Mouse Model
Mice express a wild-type human LRRK2 gene directed by its endogenous promoter/enhancer regions on the BAC transgene. The human LRRK2 protein expression is approximately 5-fold over endogenous mouse LRRK2. RRID:IMSR_JAX:013725
LRRK2 Y1699C Mouse*
Mouse Model
Transgenic mice expressing LRRK2 Y1699C mutation. Model was generated and deposited by Heather Melrose at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Matthew Farrer at University of British Columbia through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program (available through cryorecovery). RRID:IMSR_JAX:021913
Mouse Model
Homozygous knockout mice targeting Ndufs2 (NADH:ubquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S2) specifically in dopaminergic neurons. Mice with floxed Ndufs2 allele were crossed with mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of Slc6ac (dopamine transporter; DAT) promoter. Model was generated and deposited by D. James Surmeier at Northwestern University through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:036313
MCU Floxed DAT-Cre Mouse*
Mouse Model
MCU Floxed DAT-Cre mice were generated by crossing floxed exons 5 and 6 of the MCU gene (Zampese et al. 2022) with mice expressing Cre recombinase under the dopaminergic-specific DAT to induce knock-out of MCU (mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter), resulting in the loss of MCU specifically in dopaminergic cells. Model was designed by D. James Surmeier at Northwestern University and made available through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:038988
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"We have shown, thanks in part to MJFF, that researchers now have in their pantry the right ‘ingredients’, to... help to drive forward PD drug development.”
Heather Melrose, PhD
Mayo Clinic