To save researchers time and resources, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has made a number of tools available to the scientific community at low cost, with rapid delivery.
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Parkin KO Rat
Rat Model
CRISPR/Cas9 genome targeting strategy to knockout Parkin on a Sprague Dawley rat background.
Estimated Availability: Late 2025
Parkin KO Rat*
Rat Model
Homozygous rat knockout of Parkin in the Long Evans Hooded rat strain. RRID:RGD_7241052
Parkin KO x Polg Mutator Mouse*
Mouse Model
Parkin KO x Polg Mutator mice were generated by crossing PolgAD257A mutant mice, lacking mitochondria polymerase proofreading function, with Parkin KO mice. Model was designed by Kelly Stauch and Howard Fox at University of Nebraska Medical Center and made available through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:036670
Parkin Plasmids
DNA Plasmids
DNA Plasmids encoding various Parkin cDNA inserts
Parkin Q311X Mouse*
Mouse Model
Transgenic mice carrying a FLAG-tagged C-terminal truncated human Parkin Q311X mutation. Model was generated and deposited by X. William Yang at University of California Los Angeles through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program (available through cryorecovery). RRID:IMSR_JAX:009090
Parkin R275W KI Mouse*
Mouse Model
Mice with the R275W mutation in Parkin. Model was generated and deposited by Dr David Komander at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program.
Estimated Availability: Late 2024
Parkin W402A KI Mouse
Mouse Model
CRISPR/Cas9 generated mice carrying the Park2, Parkinson disease (autosomal recessive, juvenile) 2, parkin, W402A point mutation in exon 11.
Generated as part of the Industry Tools Consortium. RRID:IMSR_JAX:029317
Parkin/PINK1 Double KO Rat
Rat Model
Breeding of the CRISPR Parkin KO Sprague Dawley rat with the CRISPR PINK1 KO Sprague Dawley rat to create a line with homozygous deletion of both genes.
Estimated Availability: Mid 2026
Parkin/PINK1 Double KO Rat
Rat Model
Knockout of Parkin and PINK1 in the Long Evans Hooded rat strain.
PDGFβ-Human Alpha Synuclein (Line D) Mouse*
Mouse Model
Mice express wildtype human alpha synuclein cDNA driven by the platelet derived growth factor, β polypeptide (PDGFB) promoter. Model was developed by Eliezer Masliah and deposited by Robert Rissman at University of California San Diego, and made available through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:038774
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Email tools@michaeljfox.org with questions and to suggest new tools for us to develop. Or visit our FAQ page.
"We have shown, thanks in part to MJFF, that researchers now have in their pantry the right ‘ingredients’, to... help to drive forward PD drug development.”
Heather Melrose, PhD
Mayo Clinic