To save researchers time and resources, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has made a number of tools available to the scientific community at low cost, with rapid delivery.
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* = MJFF does not control pricing or terms of availability for this tool.
PINK1 Knockout Mouse*
Mouse Model
PINK1 knockout mice with exons 4 through 7 deleted, producing a nonsense mutation at the start of exon 8 due to a reading frame shift. Model was generated and deposited by Jie Shen at Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women’s Hospital through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:017946
Rat Model
CRISPR/Cas9 genome targeting strategy to knockout PINK1 on a Sprague Dawley rat background.
Estimated Availability: Late 2025
Rat Model
Homozygous rat knockout of Pink1 (PTEN-induced putative kinase 1) in the Long Evans Hooded rat strain. RRID:RGD_7241054
PINK1 Plasmids
DNA Plasmids
DNA Plasmids encoding various PINK1 cDNA inserts
PINK1 pS228 Phosphospecific Antibody
Rabbit monoclonal phosphospecific antibody directed against Serine 228 of PINK1.
Expected Availability: Early 2025
PINK1 pT257 Phosphospecific Antibody
Rabbit monoclonal phosphospecific antibody directed against Threonine 257 of human PINK1. Suitable for immunoblot applications.
Human iPS Cell
Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines are available through the PPMI repository. The repository includes lines from control, idiopathic PD, genetic PD (LRRK2, GBA, SNCA), genetic unaffected carriers (LRRK2, LRRK2/GBA, GBA, SNCA), and prodromal patients. Gene-revertant controls are available for select lines. An inventory of available lines can be found here: https://zenodo.org/records/10783308
pS65 Parkin Antibody (WB/ICC)
Rabbit monoclonal phosphospecific antibody directed against Serine65 of Parkin. Compatible with immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry applications.
pS65 Ubiquitin Immunoassay*
SMCxPRO® immunoassay for measurement of phospho-serine 65 Ubiquitin. Assay was developed and kindly shared by Mitokinin through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program.
To access, complete the request form on the Millipore CADI services page.
pT73 Rab 10 Protein
Phospho-T73 Rab10 semi-synthetic phosphomimetic protein fragment (AA66-181) generated by native chemical ligation of recombinant peptides.
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Email tools@michaeljfox.org with questions and to suggest new tools for us to develop. Or visit our FAQ page.
"We have shown, thanks in part to MJFF, that researchers now have in their pantry the right ‘ingredients’, to... help to drive forward PD drug development.”
Heather Melrose, PhD
Mayo Clinic