To save researchers time and resources, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has made a number of tools available to the scientific community at low cost, with rapid delivery.
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* = MJFF does not control pricing or terms of availability for this tool.
Floxed S69R Rab32 Mouse
Mouse Model
Mouse expressing the S69R point mutation in the mouse Rab32 gene (corresponds to the S71R mutation in human Rab32). LoxP sites flank the Rab32 gene to enable conditional Cre-mediated knockout.
Estimated Availability: Early 2026
Full Length pS129 Alpha-Synuclein Protein
Phospho-S129 Alpha Synuclein semi-synthetic phosphomimetic protein generated by native chemical ligation of a recombinant peptide produced from E. coli and a synthtic peptide
FYN Protein*
Human FYN Protein. This protein was generated and shared by Drs Paul Brennan and Karolina Rygiel at Oxford University though the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program.
GAK Protein*
Human GAK Protein. This protein was generated and shared by Drs Paul Brennan and Karolina Rygiel at Oxford University though the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program.
GALC Antibody
Rabbit monoclonal antibody directed against human/mouse GALC for immunoblotting and immunostaining applications.
Estimated Availability: Early 2025
GALC Knockout A549 Cell Line
Immortalized Cell
A549 cell with homozygous knockout of GALC.
Estimated Availability: Early 2025
GBA D409V Knockin Mouse
Mouse Model
Knockin mice expressing the D409V mutant form of GBA on the C57BL/6N mouse background.
Generated as part of the Industry Tools Consortium. RRID:IMSR_JAX:019106
GBA D409V Knockin x Thy1-Alpha-Synuclein Mouse
Mouse Model
Transgenic mice resulting from the cross between transgenic mice overexpressing the D409V mutant form of GBA (homozygous) and transgenic mice overexpressing wild type human alpha-synuclein directed by the murine Thy-1 promoter (hemizygous).
Generated as part of the Industry Tools Consortium. RRID:IMSR_JAX:029124
GBA E326K Knockin Mouse*
Mouse Model
Mouse expressing GBA E326K mutation and 3 silent mutations in exon 8 of the mouse Gba gene. Model was generated and deposited by Mark Cookson at NIH through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program. RRID:IMSR_JAX:036159
GCase Activity Probes*
GCase activity probes FQ6 and FQ10 for use in fixed and live cell imaging. These probes were generated and kindly shared through the MJFF Sponsored Tools Program by David Vocadlo.
Expected Availability: Early 2025
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Email tools@michaeljfox.org with questions and to suggest new tools for us to develop. Or visit our FAQ page.
"We have shown, thanks in part to MJFF, that researchers now have in their pantry the right ‘ingredients’, to... help to drive forward PD drug development.”
Heather Melrose, PhD
Mayo Clinic