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Anne Grünewald, PhD

Professor at Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg

Location: Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg

Anne Grünewald, PhD, obtained her degree in Neuroscience from the University of Lübeck, where she completed her doctoral studies in 2008 at the Institute of Neurogenetics headed by Professor Christine Klein. During her time as PhD student and postdoc in Lübeck, she visited the research groups of Professor Anthony Schapira at the University College London and Professor Carolyn Sue at Kolling Institute, Sydney University and discovered her fascination for mitochondrial biology. Inspired by this experience, she joined the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research at Newcastle University, UK in 2012. In the laboratory of Professor Doug Turnbull, Anne received training in (single-cell) mtDNA analysis methods, which are fundamental for her current work. In 2016, she was awarded an ATTRACT career development grant by the Luxembourg National Research Fund to establish her own group at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine. Together with her team, she explores the role of mitochondrial signaling in neurodegenerative diseases.

Associated Grants

  • Common Mitochondrial DNA Deletions as a Peripheral Marker of Parkinson’s Disease


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