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Catherine Anne Leamey, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Physiology at University of Sydney

Location: Sydney Australia

Catherine Anne Leamey, PhD, specializes in the study of neural development and plasticity. She received her PhD from UNSW (Australia) and completed a postdoc in Professor Mriganka Sur’s laboratory at MIT in the United States. She discovered the Teneurins (Ten-ms) as potential mediators of visual connectivity. Since starting her own laboratory at the University of Sydney in 2003, she has demonstrated that these glycoproteins play critical roles in the generation of binocular visual circuits. Deletion of Ten-ms leads to defects in the generation and mapping of uncrossed retinal inputs to the brain. These in turn cause significant deficits in visual function and ability. Her background has helped to fuel a productive collaboration with Dr. Atomu Sawatari characterizing the development and plasticity of striatal circuits.    

Associated Grants

  • Novel Enzymatic Method for Improving Therapeutic Targeting of Dopaminergic Afferents


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