Dr. Charles Linder is a research professor at Ben-Gurion University in areas of supramolecular chemistry and polymer/macromolecules for drug delivery, and microencapsulation and membranes for water treatment. Dr. Linder, together with Drs. Sarina Grinberg and Eliahu Heldman, invented V-SmartTM technology, which he continues to develop. Dr Linder was a senior scientist at Hoffman LaRoche and developed oral drug delivery systems with high bioavailability. From 1976 to 1998, Dr. Linder was scientific director of Membrane Products Kiryat Weizmann Ltd. in Israel where he became a founder of the field of nanofiltration. For this work, he won the Weizmann Institute Dudley Wright prize. The membranes he invented were used, and are still being commercialized, by industrial and pharmaceutical companies. He was also one of the founders of BotanoCap Ltd., with technology based on novel nano-microcapsules of essential oil as "green" herbicides and pesticides.