Dr. Charlie Kim earned a PhD in microbiology and immunology from Stanford University and pioneered using genomic and bioinformatic approaches to study infectious disease. In 2011, he joined the faculty at the University of California, San Francisco Department of Medicine, where he expanded his research to include translational applications. In 2015, he joined Verily to further these goals by leveraging the computational power of the Google ecosystem. As head of molecular science, he leads teams responsible for innovating molecular platforms and applying them in translational and clinical research. These include platforms such as Immune Profiler, which creates high-resolution maps of the immune system across autoimmune disease, immuno-oncology and infectious disease. He is the director of PRESCO, a multi-site observational study of severe COVID-19 outcomes, which highlights how the intersection of cutting-edge molecular and analytical technologies can accelerate the development of therapeutics, biomarkers and diagnostics that can improve human health.