Dr. Edward Campbell is an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Center for Translational Research and Education at Loyola University in Chicago, IL. Dr. Campbell received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago and conducted his post-doctoral research at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.
Dr. Campbell's research focuses on the cell biology underlying the development of human diseases. His lab aims to understand how pathogens (disease-causing agents), including viruses, interact with host factors to infect cells. Over the last six years,
Dr. Campbell has studied the "virus-like" propagation (spread) of alpha-synuclein (sticky protein associated with Parkinson's) between cells. His work has demonstrated that alpha-synuclein aggregates (clumps) can enter cells in the same manner as viruses and bacteria. By leveraging the understanding of pathogen-host interactions, Dr. Campbell's future work will focus on how cellular responses to alpha-synuclein impact disease progression in those with Parkinson's.