Elio Riboli, MD, is chair in cancer epidemiology and prevention and was formerly the Director of the School of Public Health at Imperial College London. From 1983 to 2005, Professor Riboli was based at Lyon’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), where he developed new research projects in the areas of nutrition and cancer. In 1989, he initiated and coordinated the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), which sampled data from more than 500,000 subjects in 10 countries. In 2005, he joined Imperial College London as professor of cancer epidemiology and in 2006 was appointed divisional head of epidemiology, public health and primary care, which later became the School of Public Health, for which he served as director until 2017. Professor Riboli has co-authored more than 310 peer-reviewed publications and more than 100 chapters and books.
He holds a master of public health and a medical degree from the State University of Milan and a master of science in epidemiology from Harvard University. Professor Riboli is an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
Associated Grants
Predicting Conversion to Parkinson’s Disease Based on Proteomic Biomarkers in a Large Prospective Cohort