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Fabio Blandini, MD

Scientific Director; Full Professor of Pharmacology at IRCCS Mondino Foundation, National Institute of Neurology; Dept. of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, University of Pavia

Location: Pavia Italy

Fabio Blandini obtained his MD degree in 1986, specialized in neurology in 1990 (University of Messina, Italy) and biochemistry in 2001 (University of Pavia, Italy). As a postdoctoral fellow or visiting scientist, he attended the Depts. of Neurology of the University of Rochester (1993-1995) and Emory University, Atlanta (1999-2000) and the Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases (2008). His research interests are focused on the investigation of the pathogenesis and the search for innovative therapeutics of Parkinson’s disease through pre-clinical models and clinical studies in patients. He is currently Scientific Director of the Mondino National Institute of Neurology — a research hospital funded by the Italian Ministry of Health — and full professor of pharmacology at the Dept. of Brain and Behavioral Sciences of the University of Pavia. He is also chair of the Pan-European Committee of IBRO ( and member of the European Brain Council (

Associated Grants

  • (SUPPLEMENT) Examining How Genes and Gut Bacteria Cooperate to Cause Parkinson’s Disease


  • The Genome-Microbiome Axis in the Cause of Parkinson Disease: Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Implications from Experimental Models and a Genetically Stratified Patient Population


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