Fernando Alonso-Frech, MD, PhD, is a doctor specialized in neurophysiology and clinical neurology with a PhD in neuroscience. He works as a staff physician seeing patients with neurological diseases, primarily movement disorders. He has a special interest in motor control and has worked at several levels: from clinical issues to the neurophysiologic basis. He also co-directed the program of functional surgery for movement disorders and possesses extensive experience in the analysis of intracerebral signals. Dr. Alonso-Frech also has held a docent position as honorary collaborator on Rey Juan Carlos University since 2010.
He has received awards as co-investigator from Agencia Laín Entralgo (Spain) for a study of balance and postural control in patients with Parkinson’s disease (2010-2013) and from the European Huntington’s Disease Network (2009-).
Associated Grants
Prevention of Levodopa-induced Dyskinesia by Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation